Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Teaser Trailers.

This is a teaser trailer I watched of Paranormal Activity 2. I found that teaser trailers are very different from the normal trailer. Normal trailers contain many clips from the film, revealing some idea of the plot and what is going to happen within the film. However, I found that teaser trailers literally do what they say, they tease you to want to know what is going to happen within the film. They do contain clips from the film, but nothing too much that gives away the storyline. I have seen Paranormal Activity 2, and I can say that from the trailer, I would have no idea what would happen within the film to what did. A teaser trailer it set to make you want to go and see the film. It gives away a vague idea of what the film, enough to persuade you to want to go and watch it. Most teaser trailers show the best parts of the film which also makes you want to watch the film.

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