Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Trailer and Horror conventions of "Creep."

Me and my classmate Becci secondly looked at the Creep trailer.

Trailer Conventions.The trailer for creep relates to its target audience, which is probably ranged to 18-30 years both male and female, by creating suspense throughout the trailer and by also having a female and male protagonist, both sides of the audience can relate to this. The majority of the sounds within this trailer are sound effects, such as breathing noises, sharp razor sounds, the flickering noise of broken lightbulbs and many more. These all contribute to the horror genre and relate to aspects of the film. In this trailer there are also inter-titles which are very clear in helping us to understand the basic outline of the film. There is also a lot of dialogue within this trailer by the characters within the film, also contributing to help us prepare for the 'jumpy' parts of the film. In terms of production values, the main female protagonist is well known for her role in The Bourne Identity and The Bourne Supremacy- Franka Potente. The inter-titles also ask the audience a question, which leads the audience to think about the question asked, and become more curious about the trailer.

Horror Conventions.
The film is set within an underground station, which is often known as a creepy place when quiet due to the long corridors, and plain surroundings. The train tracks and sounds of the train also give off a dingy effect. This trailer also relates to a typical horror setting as it is set at night. In terms of technical code, the trailer begins with a point of view shot, as it seems that we are in the character of the person walking towards the elevator, which helps us relate to the characters and how they are feeling as we see what they see. We also see a great deal of use of close ups, which help to relate with the characters as we see their emotions more clearly. The iconography within the film shows very high contrast lighting, which seems very unusual for a horror film, yet gives it an edgy feel, similar to perhaps a lab? The repitition of the use of hands is very important, as we repeatedly  see the use of hands before seeing the face within the trailer. For example, when the female protagonist is looking for help on the train, she stops at the open door and spots a pair of hands with blood splattered over them, the hands by a distressed man being pulled under the train by some unknown creature/object. Towards the end of the trailer we see a creepy doll, this can relate to childhood perhaps relating to the return of the repressed? This trailer gives us a sense of a classic hollywood structure, there is a "final girl" who appears to be quite "masculine" sure to the way she is dressed etc. In terms of character types the protagonists appear to be victims of some kind of attack relating to medical, as we see a person holding a pair of scissors in lab clothes. We think the theme for this film follows The Return of The Repressed theory, as we get an angry feel from the trailor, which signify the repressed feelings from young memories. At the end, with the doll, we get a sense of childhood which can also relate to the return of the repressed. Another possible option for themes could be science- out of control, as we see a person dressed in science/medical related clothes. 

We cold relate this trailer for our own work as we like the use of inter-titles, especially the questions leaving us questioning the film. The use of lighting,we think, is unique and this is something we would like to do in out trailer, also the setting is interesting and is not commonly used.

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